Medicare 101

April 14, 2025 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Marshall District Library 124 West Green Street Marshall, MI 49068

As we journey through life, some ages are destinations unto themselves. One important year is when we turn 65 & have important healthcare choices to make. Leslie Hurd, who has been in the health industry for 25 years & is an independent licensed insurance agent certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), will visit the library, along with Jason Taylor, for a presentation about the basics of Medicare. During this informational program you will learn about what Medicare is, when you are eligible to enroll, options for supplemental coverage, how health savings accounts & Medicare work together, what is & is not allowed when marketing to Medicare beneficiaries, & more. Note: no information will be given about specific plans or carriers.

Registration required; ages 18+ only.

Our programs are free (& very popular)! We often have a waiting list; if you register but can no longer attend, please let us know! Please note: Watch your email for a response, noting confirmation or waitlist status, within 24-48 hours. If you do not have regular email access, you may contact our Help Desk for assistance with registration.