Newly installed water infrastructure in Marshall creates reliable system benefitting thousands
The Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance (MAEDA) is celebrating progress on new water and sewer infrastructure at the Marshall Area Jobs, Opportunity and Recreation (MAJOR) Campus that will provide a reliable and consistent water supply and distribution system for businesses and residents across several area communities.
- The infrastructure is taking shape in and around the campus that is home to Ford’s future BlueOval Battery Park Michigan. Upgrades include a 4.5-million-gallon water storagetank, new high-service pump station, filter improvements at Marshall’s water treatment plant as well as valve and piping replacements to handle higher demand for water. A new backup generator will allow for water to continue to be treated even during a power outage.
“These are significant improvements to our water delivery system that will benefit thousands of people who live and work in Marshall Township, the city of Marshall and Emmett Township,” said James Durian, CEO of MAEDA. “These investments will allow us to have enough water on hand for reserves and for fighting fires if needed.”
The infrastructure work also includes the addition of 80 new fire hydrants along 14 miles of nearby roadways, giving firefighters quick access to water to fight fires and helping to keep response times low. Residents and businesses who live along corridors with the newly added hydrants could see lower insurance costs, allowing them to save money.
When completed, new infrastructure as part of this effort will include:
-14 miles of water transmission main
-4.5-million-gallon water storage tank
-1 new and 1 upgraded water pump station
-2 miles of wastewater force main
-1 new sanitary pump station
-Water treatment plant improvements
-Wastewater treatment plant improvements